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© Wiener Staatsoper GmbH / Ashley Taylor

»Die Jahreszeiten« Promo

Images of man suspended in their microcosm, but also exposed in the vastness of the universe: In The Seasons the aged Joseph Haydn composed a large-scale secular oratorio about how mankind is integrated into the cycle of nature. Scenes bursting with life are placed next to gripping musical descriptions of nature, catchy melodies next to thoughtful reflections on transience, vast oratorio scenes alongside folkloric songs. In his new work for the Vienna State Ballet, Martin Schläpfer was inspired by all this to create a feast for the senses, a meditation on human life and the power of community – set in a room for which the housing of a sea snail by the Swedish artist Mylla Ek gave the initial spark: an abstract place that can transform according to the seasons. The course of the year as a metaphor for life.

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