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© Peter Mayr

Cancellation of performances in the period 1 - 5 January 2022

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen
Dear Audience,

We regret to inform you that due to several cases of omicron in the artistic groups and the resulting high number of contact persons, all performances of the Vienna State Opera have to be cancelled up to and including 5 January. The first performance affected by this is the Fledermaus scheduled for today, 1 January, at 18:30.

Of course your tickets will be refunded. All information on refunds can be found here.

State Opera Director Bogdan Roščić: »The State Opera has been struggling with Corona for almost two years and has not cancelled a single performance so far, unless there was a lockdown. This path has become increasingly difficult in recent weeks. More than 85% of the opera's staff have been triple vaccinated and are PCR-tested at least three times a week. But the working conditions, especially with the artistic groups, playing, singing, dancing, making music together, make complete protection impossible. Under the signs of Omikron, the speed and intensity of infection has increased drastically. Our aim is to be able to play again from 6 January through this interruption of play and a further tightening of our security measures. I apologise for the inconvenience to all visitors who have tickets for the affected performances. We will do our utmost to resume performances on 6 January.«
We thank you for your understanding and remain
With kind regards
Your team of the Vienna State Opera