Alice Necsea

Alice Necsea was born in Brasov (Romania) and educated at the Ballet Institute in Bucharest. From 1977 to 1984 she was a member of the ballet of the State Opera Bucharest. In 1984 she changed to the National Theatre Sarajevo where she was engaged as a First Soloist until 1988. In the same year she became a member of the Vienna State Opera Ballet where she was working under the directions of Gerhard Brunner, Elena Tchernichova, Anne Woolliams, Renato Zanella, Gyula Harangozó, Manuel Legris and currently Martin Schläpfer. Her Viennese repertory included many solo roles in the classical productions by Rudolf Nureyev and Yuri Grigorovich as well as works by Gerald Arpino, George Balanchine, John Cranko, Jiří Kylián, Kenneth MacMillan, John Neumeier and Rudi van Dantzig. Moreover, she was dancing in ballets by Oleg Danovski and Waclaw Orlikowsky. In 1999 she was appointed assistant of the ballet master, since 2000 until the 2012/22 season she was rehearsal director and ballet master at the Vienna State Opera.
Alice Necsea studied ballet pedagogy in Wolfsegg with Eugen Dostal and Karol Tóth. As a ballet master she worked , amongst others, at the Ballet School in Bucharest, National Theatres in Prague, Sarajevo and Zagreb as well as at the Municipal Theatre Baden and gave workshops in the USA (Boulder Ballet), Hungary and Croatia.
As a choreographer, Alice Necsea created first pieces for the Prague Festival Ballet, further ones such as »Serenade Opus 5« (music: Eugen Suchoň), »Ballade für Sarajewo« (music: Ciprian Porumbescu) and »Augenblicke der Gefühle« (music: Ludwig van Beethoven) for the series »Young Choreographers« of the Friends of the Vienna State Opera as well as choreographies for several EU-projects.
Furthermore, Alice Necsea was, amongst others, jointly responsible for staging Renato Zanella’s »Laus Deo« in Wolfsegg, Manuel Legris’ »Sylvia« at the Teatro alla Scala di Milano as well as William Forsythe’s »Slingerland pas de deux« and Rudolf Nureyev’s »Raymonda« at the Vienna State Opera. In the 2023/24 season, she returns to the Vienna State Ballet as a guest for the rehearsal of Tchernishova's »Giselle« and Nureyev's »Swan Lake«.
Performances with Alice Necsea