Michael Niavarani, born 1968 in Vienna, known from his cabaret programs, TV series and feature films, began his career in 1986 at the Graumann Theater in Vienna and moved to the Kabarett Simpl in 1989, whose artistic direction he took over in 1993 and which he bought in 2019.
Michael Niavarani has won the Romy TV Audience Award several times, and his books Vater Morgana, Der frühe Wurm hat einen Vogel, Ein Trottel kommt selten allein and Es glaubt kein Mensch, was jeder Mensch glaubt, was er für ein Mensch ist. Niavarani reads Nestroy also enjoyed great popularity. After a novel, many short stories, a handful of cabaret programs and countless sketches for the Simpl, Michael Niavarani also writes plays: Reset - Alles auf Anfang for the Berndorf Festival and his Shakespeare adaptations Die unglaubliche Tragödie von Richard III and Die höchst beklagenswerte und gänzlich unbekannte Ehetragödie von Romeo & Julia - Ohne Tod kein Happy End premiered at the Shakespeare Theater Globe Wien.
His third Shakespeare comedy A Midsummer Night's Dream premiered in summer 2020 at the Theater im Park near the Belvedere. The cabaret artist, actor, theater producer and author lives in Vienna.
Performances with