- 5,150 ball guests
- 160 debutante couples
- 150 musicians
- 171 flower arrangements and 480 flower arrangements
- around 52,600 glasses
- 9,200 pieces of cutlery
- 1000 champagne coolers
- around 320 catering staff during the ball
Vienna Opera Ball
Facts & Figures
- around 2.5 million television viewers
- 30 hours conversion of the opera house into a ballroom, dismantling in 21 hours
- 350 skilled workers and 150 assistants during the conversion phase
- 80 low-loader transports for the dance floor, stage boxes and panelling elements
- Total order volume of around € 1.5 million for 50 companies for the construction and remodelling work
- 7000 children in the »Zauberflöte für Kinder« on the day after the Opera Ball (in the ball decorations)
© Victoria Nazarova